Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Historical Photographer: Imogen Cunningham Trust & Recreation


Birthdate: April 12, 1883 –
Passed Away: June 24, 1976 
Country & State of residence:Portland, Oregon
Education:University of Washington in Seattle.She helped pay for her tuition by photographing plants for the botany department here. She also studied at  Technische Hochschule in Dresden, Germany.

Significance: Imogen is recognized for her photographs of florals and nudes. She also worked for Vanity Fair.
Techniques: Everything about her photographs are soft. She uses soft figures of women and florals and soft natural lighting. 
Concept/Aboutness/Idea: The main concepts and ideas in her photos are the woman figure and close up floral shots. 
Motivations: Imogen's background is in chemistry. She studied it at school and did photography for the botany department there. She later on became interested in nudes.
Your Opinion: What attracts me to her work is the softness and timelessness of the photographs she has taken.


  1. I like how your recreation relates to the image. Very sensitive - however, maybe have more emotion in the model/more visual with contrast in the image.

  2. The enjoy that you used a model with dark hair in your recreation compared to the blond hair on the model in the original. I think you could try and separate the hair a little more in the recreation to create more texture with in the hair. You could do this by putting product in the hair to make it less silky smooth or lightly curl the hair so there would be more separation in chunks.

  3. I like the contrast and use of lighting. My only thought is that it may be a little more interesting if the model's hair was curly or had more texture.

  4. This is awesome! It the framing, place of model, and feel of the photo are very similar to the original. I like the concept of your idea, but I think that the lighting will help create more detail in the hair like the original. Cool photo :)

  5. - The angle of this composition is effective, it gives it that soft, girly look you were trying to recreate
    - I think to make it look even softer, it would be good to use some kind of diffuser

  6. The composition is great! Nicely balanced and very close to the original. I'd like to see more highlights and shadows in the hair though, like the original, although I understand that the hair is a completely different color.

  7. I like the composition. It is really similar to the original. I think if you had more texture in the hair it would help add a lot of interest. Also, I think using shadows on the subject and softer, more diffuse lighting would make it look more like the original.

  8. I think this works really in both the recreation idea, and the aspect of making the photo have a soft feel to it. Normally I wouldn't be a huge fan of softness but in these images it works. You seem to have a good eye for fashion style modeling photos. well done.

  9. The recreation of the composition was overall successful.I think if you add more contrast with more dramatic lighting this image would look more like the original. You also commented on how soft the original artist's image look, maybe you could use diffuse lighting to recreate that aspect too.

  10. You recreated the composition very well. I do think that there could be added emotion somehow. I can't even pinpoint what it is, but the original holds a lot of drama, it seems.

  11. I think that the recreation relates back to the original very well. I think to push it further you might try to get more of the highlights and shadows with the model's hair so that it has more dimension and allure.

  12. I think the cropping and composition in your recreation is very interesting. I like how you decided to heighten the contrast a bit. The only suggestion I would say is to maybe have the subject look at the viewer to make more of a connection with them viewer.

  13. I like how you got her hair showing how it hit the floor comes close to the original but the lighting is too much way too bright on her skin needs more grays to it maybe different lighting but other than that I like the idea of it.

  14. camera angle and composition work to give the sense that the figure is being framed like the original. skin and hair look very smooth, which could be a comment on beauty? in order to get various tones and textures in the hair, you might consider using a different light source that does not flatten out the textures. if you want a feeling of "flatness" which could be a comment on the construction of beauty, you could push the idea of flatness even further. lights and darks create good shapes in the image.

  15. I think the composition is very well constructed and identical in the pose as the original. A suggestion may be to add some grain to the photograph in the actual figure using photoshop to make it even closer to the original photograph

  16. I like how you tried to create the same feel of the original photo but with a softer/smoother tone of the skin. In this way I feel your image is stronger than the original. As a suggestion I feel that maybe a different light source could be used for this image to bring out more of the texture in her hair/ a lighter background might bring out the texture more because the hair comes across so dark.

  17. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the image with the lace is actually by Edward Steichen...
