Friday, January 28, 2011

#7 Pay close attention to the types and number of photographic portraits you see in one day. Where did you see them? How do you think that the content of the portrait changes based on the context in which you see the image (news, facebook, magazine, advertisement, television, youtube, etc)? In other words, what is the difference between the portraits you see on facebook vs. those on the news? What is the difference between the “viewpoint” of the photographer in each situation? What is the difference between their “intents”? (#7)

Book covers on my shelf...Viewpoint: Telling a story & advertising.
Personal photographs of friends and family on my desk...Viewpoint: Memories and a reminder of the people that matter.

DVDs on our living room shelfs...Viewpoint: Telling a story & advertising.

Workout DVD being played... Viewpoint: Fitness, wellbeing, beauty.

Magazine covers on the the coffee table... Viewpoint: Advertising, beauty, makeup, fashion.

Checking facebook... Viewpoint: personal photos, memories, good times, updates, friendships.

Drive to work, billboards for Douglas J... Viewpoint: Advertising, artistic.

Visual displays at work (the mall) & in the windows... Viewpoint: Advertising, fashion, beauty, products.

People magazine cover... Viewpoint:Advertising, beauty, makeup, fashion, trends.

Post card of Paris on fridge... Viewpoint: Landscape, telling a story.

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