Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bernard Faucon


Birthdate: 1950

Country & State of residence: Apt in Provence, southern France 

Education: Studied philosophy from sorbonne in 1973

Significance: Bernard's work stands out for many reasons. He's photographs tableauxs. His work is very dreamlike and he's know for his use of color.

Composition: Natural, brighter lighting.

Concept/Aboutness/Idea: Describe the concept depicted in their image.

Method: He uses a lot of mannequins to construct the scenes. He uses a older technique called  the  fresson technique. Or also know as carbon printing. It's printed with pigmented gelatin.

Your Opinion: What attracts me to his work is his modern take on photography and the saturated colors.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Historical Photographer: Imogen Cunningham Trust & Recreation


Birthdate: April 12, 1883 –
Passed Away: June 24, 1976 
Country & State of residence:Portland, Oregon
Education:University of Washington in Seattle.She helped pay for her tuition by photographing plants for the botany department here. She also studied at  Technische Hochschule in Dresden, Germany.

Significance: Imogen is recognized for her photographs of florals and nudes. She also worked for Vanity Fair.
Techniques: Everything about her photographs are soft. She uses soft figures of women and florals and soft natural lighting. 
Concept/Aboutness/Idea: The main concepts and ideas in her photos are the woman figure and close up floral shots. 
Motivations: Imogen's background is in chemistry. She studied it at school and did photography for the botany department there. She later on became interested in nudes.
Your Opinion: What attracts me to her work is the softness and timelessness of the photographs she has taken.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Recreation 4

Senior Portrait
Senior portraits are simple photographs and usually don't make much of a statement. They're taken outside with the person holding onto a tree branch or sitting on a rock. Their skin is always perfect, too. Very generic.


Artistic Mess

Touch Up



Artistic Mess:
There's a lot going on in this image. The lines creating on the ceiling, the angle, the clothes, and hair and make-up. This is an image that would appear in a news article.

Touch Up:
I took this photo backstage at the MSU fashion show. It's a behind the scene shot of what goes on behind stage and the last minute touch-ups that take place. It's also meant to be in a news article.

I love how much taller the model looks compared to the girl fixing her dress. This was taken in the dressing room after hair and makeup took place. I like the center composition.

To construct this scene I used a white cleaning tub, filled it with water, accessories, and my fish swam over the jewels as I photographed them. I did have to photoshop the fish in the middle in. It was hard to capture a good composition of the fish and the jewelry since you can't control the fish.


Sails At Ease




Sails At Ease:
This photos about coming home when the suns gone down, after being out in the bay on a boat. I like all of the lines in this image between the sails and the posts.

I enjoy finding interesting compositions with smaller details and objects. Here's a more detailed shot of bumpers hanging off one of the boats in "Sails At Ease".

This  empty boat tied to the dock at the end of the day looks so lonely. The shadows and darker colors in this image enhance this emotion, too.

This image is all about lines and leading the eye. The rows of canoes and posts create an interesting, centered composition.

Friday, March 25, 2011

1. In what ways do you “construct” your identity?
I construct my identity through hobbies, the people i surround myself with, and sometimes material things. 
In what ways do you “perform” in your daily life?
I perform by creating art, working, and going to school.
2. Describe some ways in which your personal culture and social environments are “constructed”.
I feel like my culture/environment is constructed by media and technology.
3. Describe some ways in which your physical environment/space is “constructed”.
Some was my physical space is constructed by material things and decorations.
4. In your daily life, what would you consider to be “real” and what would you consider to be “constructed/fabricated”?
Something that's real to me concerns my feelings and emotions and the people I care about. Constructed and fabricated things would be the material things that don't matter as much.
5. Describe a narrative tableaux that you might create to be captured by a photograph. A narrative tableaux can be defined as “Several human actors play out scenes from everyday life, history, myth or the fantasy of the direction artist” ( Constructed Realities: The Art of Staged Photography Edited by Michael Kohler , 34).
A tableaux I would like to play out is a fashion photoshoot at the beach. The girls would be wearing bright neon colors of different patterns and textures. The girls would be shot from a birds eye view.
6. Describe an idea for a photograph that includes a miniature stage or still life. A description of such an image is “The tableaux reconstructs events as in the narrative tableaux, but in miniaturized format, using dolls and other toy objects” (Kohler, 34).
A tableaux using dolls I would create would be a scene from pear harbor. I would use barbie dolls and g.i. joes.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog Prompt #22

I think creating digital sets and fantasy worlds on the computer is going to push photography in a whole new direction. We will be able to create whatever we see in our minds on a computer. I think it will also be a more eco friendly option to not use supplies building a set.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Post #21

A. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of “news”-related photographs
"News" related photographs are current events. It's something that happens quickly or is an update on something that's constantly occuring.

B. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of “snapshots”, including family photographs, cell-phone shots, photos posted to facebook.
Being a college student most facebook photos are from parties or vacations and involve a lot of alcohol. Family photos usually posed, taken at home or your family members house/backyard. They are usually for a holiday or a birthday.
C. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of advertisement photographs, including fashion photography, product photography, etc.
Some common aesthetic aspects of advertisement photographs are posing, staging and imaginary scenes.The people and objects in these photographs are made falsely better. For example models go through hair and makeup. A cereal company may use glue instead of milk.
D. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of film/movie and television stills.
Common aspects are a lot of elements about the photo seem over dramatic. From the lighting to the facial expressions to the actions of the people in the photograph.
E. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of yearbook photos, senior pictures, and team/club/sports group shots.
The first thing that comes to my mind is backgrounds. Usually it's a subject against an unnatural, colored solid background. Most people don't enjoy these photos.
F. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of stock images.
Stock images look posed. The are something you would find in an ad or brochure.
G. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of fashion photography
Fashion photography is done with a model or just the accessories. It's a lot of the time based on fantasy and illusions. 
H. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of paparazzi shots or celebrity photographs.

These photos are candid shots. They aren't posed and most people look as if they dont want to be photographed. The celebs are doing normal things like driving, going to the store, ect.